Clinic Tour
Slideshow: Virtual Tour

Albany County Veterinary Hospital
Providing Veterinary services for the Capital District since 1922!

Our state-of-the-art telemedicine system allows us to e-mail our images and to instantly consult with specialists regarding medical and surgical cases.

Our team is trained to run many diagnostic tests in our recently remodeled laboratory. Faster test results can mean quicker treatment of illness.

Under Construction!

Visiting canines get a spacious kennel or cage, clean bedding daily and are fed and/or given their medication according to their family's instructions.

Dog Boarding

Dog Boarding

Isolation Room
Unvaccinated pets or pets with potentially contagious conditions are housed in the isolation room.

The exam room is where our patients get their checkups along with minor procedures such as vaccinations,ear cleaning, and nail trims.

Dog Walking Yard
Patients and boarders are leash-walked several times daily in our fenced in back yard.

A dog receives a dental scaling and polishing while under sevofluorane gas anesthesia.

A feline patient tries to "blend in to the scenery" (perhaps to avoid upcoming vaccinations?)

A cat undergoing an ovariohysterectomy (spay) in our AAHA-certified surgery suite.

The pharmacy for dispensed medication, flea and tick products, vaccinations, and other medical supplies--before

Old treatment area

Reception area underway!

Old treatment area

Two more new exam rooms

Exam Room

Exam Room

Exam Room

Check out our new surgery suite!

We use the safest and most modern anesthetic protocols. Patients undergoing surgery are maintained on intravenous fluids and heating pads. Our monitoring system is capable of measuring blood pressure, oxygenation, carbon dioxode emission, and cardiac electrical activity.

This is where our patients are treated and/or prepped for surgical procedures.

Patients finish recovering from anesthesia in a hallway just outside the surgery and treatment area, so they can be constantly in view of our staff.

Kitties are housed in a seperate, quiet area, complete with aquarium and skylights.

The finished pharmacy area.

The finishing touch, suggested and created by Forrest Builders: a beautiful oak reception desk!
